As Christians the legacy, that we leave our future generations is of huge significance.
We need to equip our children with the means to fulfill their own calling.
For this purpose God designed the family unit.
We see in Genesis that God commands the first humans to be fruitful and multiply.
How then do we accomplish this?
How do we fulfill God's purpose for the family?
 What role do parents play in their kids lives?
How best can we prepare children to become the responsible adults of the future?
What have seen the devices of the Anti-Christ so far,
against God's loving purposes for His children, via the institution of family?
How can such attacks by ' the enemy' upon the family be discerned, rooted out and healed?
How can we protect ourselves, and our children from such attacks.?
How can we assist broken families, single families,
and other vulnerable members of our community?
How do we raise God loving, confident, competent, motivated, children?
What about adoption, fostering, street children, and those in Children's homes?
How can they be assisted?

We can come to know that
God does indeed have a plan and a place for these kind of questions,
and we can find those answers in His Word.

 We hope here, to share our various experiences, skills, successes, recovery, healing and gifting,
 in this immensely challenging yet important and rewarding area of Life.

We also hope to provide fun and joyful ways of meeting this unique opportunity
for our future generations.


*I warmly encourage you to get further insights
by clicking on the 'COMMENTS' Tab, at the top
right hand corner of the page.
You can also add useful comments and responses of your own.

Love and Light
Rev.Bola A.


    As a Christian Ministry, we are very aware that children are the future - The next generation of leaders, and caretakers for God's Kingdom on earth.
    We welcome and encourage your spiritual input and interest in ensuring that our children are SAVED, secure and happy in the Body of Christ Jesus. Thank you.
    - Rev.Bola A.


    July 2010


    Christian Upbringing
    Family Life